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JC Scheidell
It is with great sadness we announce the loss of our friend and leader JC Scheidell. JC has been with bhip since the beginning and his spirit and enthusiasm were a shining example to all. He will be deeply missed.
Welcome United Arab Emirates
We want to extend a welcome to United Arab Emirates! They are the latest b:hip territory with General Manager Allan Nielsen at the helm. Allan Nielsen was a professional football player for 18 years at the highest international level. He played in the German Bundesliga and Premierleague, representing his country, Denmark, at Worlds Cups and …
Download Convention Program
Download the full Convention Program for all the details of our exciting events! Download Convention Program
Black Tie Party moved to November 14th
Time is approaching the Global Convention and we are very excited to see you all in Ho Chi Minh City very soon! At this time, we have to announce that due to the change of venue from Bangkok to Ho Chi Minh City in a very short time, it has been difficult to find a …
Global Convention New Location
To respect the people of Thailand during their time of mourning, the 2016 b:HIP Global Convention will be held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Please contact your country leader for more details.
2016 Convention Dates
Save the dates for the 2016 b:hip Global Convention in Thailand! November 11th through the 13th.
Happy Labor Day
The b:hip corporate office will be closed on Monday, September 5 in observance of Labor Day.